Jeanette -Your complimentary Brand Virtual Photography

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Jeanette -Your complimentary Brand Virtual Photography

Your complimentary Brand Virtual Photography session worth over £149-
Hi Jeanette. I have pleasure in giving you access you your image gallery...a collection of photos you can use for your social media posts and website!

I will e mail you a post shoot feedback. I'd really appreciate you completing this and returning to me to

Alongside the feedback I'd truly appreciate your help in return of my complimentary photoshoot... can I ask your help? I thinks there's also mileage in us doing something on Business Culture Hull website...what do you think? So your help...

*I would like you to share created content EVERYWHERE, with a positive post about your experience of having a virtual shoot with me.
*A video review live or recorded to your social media platforms
* A review to my google business profile would be epic... I'll e mail or message my link.

I’d then reply with a comment that would elevate you too…WIN WIN!

I am honestly super excited providing this set of photos from your virtual shoot! We had lots of fun and created some fabulous content for your social media!

Love your gallery and have a giggle! Talk soon. Kevin